Saturday, May 15, 2010

War Crimes in Manila part 1. (Great Quality in Color)

WARNING: This video contains Graphic Images

A rare color Footage of "The Battle of Manila" in February 1945. The films was part of the evidence againts the Japanese troops in the Philippines, whose astrocities conducted against Filipino civilians.

the death toll was at least 100,000.The massacre was at its worst in the Battle of Manila. During lulls in the battle for control of the city, Japanese troops took out their anger and frustration on the civilians caught in the crossfire. Japanese troops looted and burned, and brutally executed, decapitated and abused women, men and children alike, including priests, Red Cross personnel, prisoners of war and hospital patients.

The Manila massacre was one of several major war crimes committed by the Imperial Japanese Army, as judged by the postwar military tribunal. Although General Yamashita had ordered all Japanese forces under his command to withdraw from Manila, and had no control over those who chose to disobey his orders, he was nonetheless judged to be responsible and executed. This decision is controversial even today.